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Official Website of Author, Singer, Songwriter

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Awarded 5 Stars by Reader's Favorite

Stone Cold Secrets

Pyschological Thriller 

Click on the book cover to to find out more.

Available Now!  

Listed on The Lesbian Review's. Click below to read

16 Best Sapphic Books of 2024

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My Story
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   I live in upstate New York with Ela, a mixed breed rescue from the Puerto Rico hurricanes (who didn't speak a bark of English!) and Misty, a rescue from a puppy breeding mill. My dogs are my greatest companions.

   Upstate New York is great for just about any outdoor activity/sport that you can imagine-some of which I participate in are biking, hiking, kayaking, and gardening, but walking with Ela and Misty is one of my favorite things to do! I also love to read and listen to audio books(which I do whenever I drive or walk) and watch movies(especially fantasy and sci fi),

  I have been writing in some form or other since high school when I bought my first guitar--a 12 string for $50 from a magazine my mother used to receive in the mail. After teaching myself how to play, I began writing songs. Dooley(my music partner) and I recorded a CD  of original songs. It was a wonderful experience. 

   Telling stories on the written page is my passion and since I recently retired from 40 hour work weeks (Woohoo!!),  I am excited to be able to spend more time on my writing. But along with continuing to go to movies, walk my dog, bike and gardening, I look forward to whatever new adventures life brings to me.

My Books
My Book shelf
Click on the book/s to get more info

Whisper Series  paranormal mystery

Non Fiction

You're Not Alone. First in Whispers  series
Bad Man, Bad Ghost. Second in the Whispers series.
Dirty Wrong. Third in the Whsipers series
Sound Travels. Fourth in Whispers series
Structure of Lies and The Bag of Bones. Fifth in Whispers series.
Bad Man, Bad Daddy? Sixth in Whispers series
Journaling Through a Breakup. Self help book

Heartwood Series fantasy magical realism

Heartwood. First in Heartwood series
Fractures. Second in Heartwood Series
Dubiety. Third in Heartwood series

Lesbian Novels


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Music by nance and dooley          

    I have been singing, playing guitar and writing music since high school. I was fortunate to meet someone many years ago who shares this passion with me. Diane(Dooley) and I have been performing and writing music together for over twenty years. We’ve performed at small cafes, weddings, occasions such as Cancer Survival Celebrations and lots of campfires. Over the years we’ve written music about life’s events-everything from losing hair due to chemotherapy to losing love. And just as there is lots of harmony in life, there is lots of harmony in our songs. So take a listen. We hope you enjoy our music as much as we have enjoyed creating it.

Dooley and Nance. Musicians
Blog, blog, blog

   Every now and then, I have something else to write about other than my novels or self help books. So, like many, I journal--or blog as you would have it. If you're interested, click on the Let's Talk button and you can read all about the other thoughts that stir around in my head!  Happy Reading


Foggy Pier

If you'd like to contact me or would like to chat, click the link below!




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